Hold Me Closer Let Me Be
Stone Temple Pilots - Tiny Music: Songs From the Vatican Gift Shop
Atlantic, 1996
Something always pulls me back to Tiny Music. Suddenly this band that so far has just rocked, this band has attitude. I mean, they still rock, but now it's with a swagger or a snarl or something like that, anyway. Suddenly the production gets worse for the better and the riffs get simpler but more alive in time.

And yeah, it all works for me. I guess this album inspired one of the meaner album reviews that I've seen on Pitchfork (check it out, it's worth reading if you like heroin jokes and suggestions that people should die) and it's greatly labeled and knocked as a "glam" album. I guess I don't really see it like that, since there aren't any real sing-alongs or songs to hold your lighter up to(as there are on the earlier two and later two albums).
Of all the STP, I like this the best. It's got the rock, but it's also got groove.
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